- * Collaborative Content Development
* Media Transparency
* Exporting Data from Drupal
* Open Source Business Plan
- * Develop a formal thematic taxonomy for the documentary that is informed by the emergent patterns of the folksonomy tags collected from volunteers in Phase 03
* Open Source the Business Plan to further discuss the target audience and strategic communication intentions for The Echo Chamber documentary.
* Normalize and export the quantitative data on sound bite Source Credibility & Quality, and import this data into Final Cut Pro editing software through Final Cut Pro XML.
* Implement techniques that make the content development process more transparent and inclusive.- * Edit short sequences together.
* Potentially post edited audio/video clips or transcripts online.
* Solicit feedback from the user community.
* Phase 07 and Phase 08 are intended to be the objective checks and balances to the subjective folksonomy and sound bite ranking data collected in Phase 03.
- * Edit short sequences together.
What I have
- * Experience with importing metadata into Final Cut Pro from a spreadsheet. (example)
* Editing experience with Final Cut Pro.
What I need
- * Insights into exporting numerical data from Drupal into Microsoft XL
* Help with associating volunteer identity information with exported data in order to provide additional insights into the normalization process.
On to Phase 06 Collect Volunteer Metadata on Pre-War Television News Coverage
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